6+2 electrodes
The 6 channels can measure brain signals from the motor cortex or the parietal lobe. The positioning has been optimized for brain-computer interfaces based on imaginary movements and/or P300 spelling. Bias and reference electrodes are placed behind the ears.

Semi dry electrodes
No sticky gels. Conductive fabric based semi-dry electrodes are designed to reach through hair. These electrodes only need a few drops of saline water for proper connection.
Freedom by WiFi
The headband uses WiFi to communicate with other devices. It allows more range and thus more freedom for the user than a Bluetooth connection would.

Design that fits and appeals
Similarly to gaming headsets, a stretchy strap is implemented to fit different head shapes and sizes comfortably and to hold the electrodes stable.
Imaginary movements in focus
Electrodes are positioned over the motor cortex area.

A treat for Deep Learning
We provide a simple feature, integrated into the data acquisition software that sorts your data automatically into labeled clusters to ready it for machine learning.
Paradigm designer
An app to design, test and launch your own paradigms, already synchronized with data acquisition.

Interested? Be an ALPHA TESTER now!
With alpha license you can try out the device in first-hand.
Our story
Back in 2016 we participated the IEEE Brain Hackathon, organized in Budapest, which focused on the invention and implementation of BCI applications. Our team designed and coded an Arduino-based control system for a robotic arm, which could be connected to a commercially available BCI headset through the internet. We also streamed the picture of a camera mounted on the arm to a Samsung Gear VR headset and simulated the position of the machine in a virtual 3D environment. With this setup the user was able to operate the robotic arm from a different location, seeing the device only through the VR goggles and control it with the BCI headset.
Realizing the shortcomings of current commercially available BCI headsets, we decided to engineer our own device from scratch, which focuses on imaginary movements and P300 spelling. Our expertise in electrical and biomedical engineering, as well as neurosciences and neural electrode developments helped us to receive investment from Hiventures, the most prestigious ventures capital firm in Hungary, in 2017. In the last two years we have created and perfected our prototype and we are looking for testers, who can help us to validate and optimize our invention, which we believe could be the next step in brain-computer interfacing.
Hungarian INNO TOP 100 Award