EEG headset

ARC 2.0

Tech specs


Fit: comfortable strechy strap


EEG electrodes: 6+2 channels
EEG electrodes locations: C5, C3, C1, C2, C4, C6
Reference electrode: behind the right ear
Bias electrode: behind the left ear
Electrode material: conductive fabric with platinum threads
Electrode type: semi-dry, no gel needed
Sampling rate: 500 Hz
Resolution: 24 bit
Bandwidth: 0-250Hz
Raw EEG data: available
Contact quality monitor: available


IMU: 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer
Gyroscope range: +-500dps
Accelerometer range: +-2g
IMU sampling rate: 50 Hz
Raw IMU data: available


Operational time: 4-6 hours
Battery: rechargeable LiPo
Charger port: microUSB


WiFi: device to PC

Software kit

SDK supported platform: Windows, MacOS, Linux
SDK supported languages: C++, C#, Python, MATLAB
SDK documentation:
Visualizer on Windows: live visualization, data recording in CSV, filters
Real-time I/O:  Lab Streaming Layer  (LSL)