Biosignal Shyncronization with SyncBox
5 min read
Are you looking for a convenient way of connecting several MindRove devices together and obtaining the raw data from them with no difficulties? Look no further than the SyncBox. This synchronization box is the solution to integrate up to four MindRove devices including EEG and EMG sensors (or both) for data synchronization and innovation. Let’s look at how SyncBox is arranged and why it may be the perfect tool to add to your research arsenal.
How Does It Work?
The SyncBox is designed to sync up to four MindRove devices at the same time. In any case, if you are working with EEG, EMG, or both – the SyncBox guarantees that all the devices are perfectly synchronized. Here’s a breakdown of its key functionalities:
Automatic Synchronization
It is used to synchronize MindRove devices and can connect up to four of them at a time, maintaining precise timing between all the sensors. This feature is key for proper data acquisition and for subsequent data analysis.
Versatile Combinations
Trigger Signals
The SyncBox is also able to send and receive +3. 3V trigger signals from third-party devices. This feature allows integration with other systems and guarantees that the experimental setup is as flexible as possible.
USB Connectivity
Syncing the SyncBox with your computer is quite simple via USB. It enables easy data access and control with the help of MindRove SDK.
Accessing Raw Data
Perhaps, one of the most significant features of the SyncBox is the access to the synchronized raw data via MindRove SDK. This capability is especially useful for research works that require actual real-time and in-depth data. This data can be obtained, analyzed and utilized through the SDK which offers all the necessary tools.
SyncBox in Action: Decoding Human Motor Intention
In a recent study that’s aim was to decode human motor intention, the SyncBox played a crucial role. This research sought to combine EEG, EMG, and Camera recordings to understand the neurophysiological basis of movement control. The SyncBox was essential for maintaining accurate synchronization among these multiple data streams, thus allowing for detailed analysis to be done.
How the SyncBox was Utilized
Synchronization of EEG and EMG Data
Integration with Camera Recordings
The SyncBox helped synchronize EEG and EMG data with a camera recording hand movements. Specialized firmware modifications allowed EEG and EMG devices to respond to synchronization triggers by flashing LEDs, which were then picked up by the camera. This gave absolute temporal alignment between the electrophysiological signals and visual data.
Centralized Data Management
The SyncBox acted as a central hub, consolidating data from different MindRove devices for ease of analysis. This now enabled the researchers to extract and analyze synchronized data to understand the relative timing and coordination between neural activity and muscular activity during dynamic hand movements.
Impact on Research
Measure and Compare Timing
The researchers could transcend some of the limitations in measurement instrumentation because of the synchronization capabilities of the SyncBox and record a variety of signals concurrently. It allowed one to measure the delays between the brain activity, muscle responses, and physical actions involved in a variety of behaviors in order to determine the timing of those events for study.
Data Fidelity
The reliability and accuracy of collected data strengthens the likelihood of going deeper into insights on mechanisms underlying the motor control.
Streamline Analysis
The centralized way of data management simplified the analysis pipeline, thus giving an opportunity to researchers to focus on the interpretation of these complex datasets.